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Martinis 101 and Grand Fizz recipe

Vodka Martini, popularized by James Bond in the 50s and 60s, gained a new lease of life with the arrival of flavored vodkas a few decades later.

But not everyone can make a Martini, because there are some basic rules that must be followed to the letter!

GreyGoose Negroni

How to make Martinis a success

It was at Boulangerie Bleue, a pop-up event organized by Grey Goose and held in some twenty cities including New York, Moscow, Paris and Montreal, that I had the opportunity to meet Dale DeGroff and Julien Lafond to talk Martinis and vodka.

Julien Lafond and Dale DeGroff
Julien Lafond and Dale DeGroff
Photo: Grey Goose Canada

For those unfamiliar, Dale DeGroff, also known as King Cocktail, was one of the pioneers to revisit classic cocktails in the ’80s, and is credited with reinventing the bartending profession.

Julien Lafond is the ambassador for Grey Goose vodka.

The ABCs of Martini

Le Grand Fizz - Grey Goose
Photo: Grey Goose Canada

Here are the basic rules for successful Martinis, from our two experts.

  1. Rule number 1: respect the ceremonial that surrounds the making of the Martini. People have a clear idea of the Martini they want to drink and what goes into making it. The most important thing, then, is to make the cocktail in front of the person and just as he or she ordered it. As James Bond used to say, “Shaken, not stirred”.
  2. Everything in the Martini must be very cold: the glass, the olive, the vermouth, the decorations…everything! Martinis are best drunk chilled, and if any of the ingredients are hot, the cocktail will heat up too quickly.
  3. Glasses that are too large should be avoided. The ideal glass should contain no more than 6 ounces. A perfect cocktail should contain 11 or 12 very cold sips.

Grand Fizz recipe

Grey Goose Canada
Photo: Grey Goose Canada

Throughout the Boulangerie Bleue event, we were lucky enough to be served Grand Fizz. Here’s the recipe, so we could put Julien and Dale’s lessons into practice.

Grand Fizz Grey Goose is a blend of Grey Goose vodka, St-Germain elderflower liqueur, fresh lime juice and mineral water, served over ice.

It’s honestly one of my favorite cocktails, perfect for any occasion.

Le Grand Fizz
Yield: 1 glass

Le Grand Fizz vodka cocktail

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

This light, fruity cocktail is a perfect blend of vodka, St-Germain, mineral water and lime.


  • 1½ parts Grey Goose vodka
  • 1 part St-Germain elderflower liqueur
  • 2 parts fresh mineral water
  • ½ part freshly squeezed lime juice (about 2 wedges, to taste)


  1. Place plenty of ice cubes in a large wine glass.
  2. Add Grey Goose vodka and squeeze in limes.
  3. Add the St-Germain and fresh mineral water.
  4. Garnish the glass with lime wedges and a stirring stick.


For extra flavour, you can twist the zest of a squeezed lime wedge over the mixture.


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